Mrs. Slats, Mrs. A and I had the pleasure of our principal,
Mrs. Guertin, asking us to work on a project with her for the school. We are an
International Studies school and each grade level deeply investigates a
specific culture, time period or geographical area over the course of the year.
In art class we try to extend this focus into our projects.
The students created banners for their respective classrooms
to portray what they have been learning about their International Studies focus.
They were able to pull from what they learned in their homeroom classes or what
they learned in art class to create their image. They each received a banner
triangle made out of fabric and recreated their image out of fabric scraps and
permanent markers.
It was great to see how they tried to correctly refashion
what they learned and listening to them combine knowledge from both classes!!!
I sure love it when it all comes together!!!!! Thank you again Mrs. Guertin!
A second grader recreating a myth from ancient Greece. |
Another clever myth recreation from second grade. |
Symbols for Zeus, second grade. |
Viking ship from third grade. |
Interpretation of "creatures" that were told of during Medieval Times, 4th grade. |
Medieval Times, 4th grade |
Kindergarten studies the continents. These are depictions of all that they learned about Antarctica. Great job Mrs. A!!!!! :) |
A first grader who portrayed the image of the Snow Lion, a symbol in Tibet. Our first graders study Asia. |
Another depiction of one of the stories of the Snow Lion from first grade. |
More, wonderful pieces about Asia from first grade! |