Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gumball machines complete!!!

We wrapped up an awesome week of woodworking camp! As I look at these final pictures it fascinates me to remember all of the work I saw that led up to the completion of these machines. Watching the kids set up crazy towers of supplies to hold a piece into place that they wanted to glue, watching them make their preliminary sketches and seeing how they had to modify their idea (or not), the layers of paint they added, gluing details on the last day when I could see that at the end of the week they were starting to get tired ;)- SO much went into these.
I said in my last post how impressed I was at this group of kids and I'm going to say it again- AWESOME group of creative little minds!!! Plus my sweet middle school students who helped me as counselors during camp. I'm blessed to have been with you all this week!!

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